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Another day, another step!

Hi all!

Today was a good day.  Am still on track for my paleo zone and it is paying off big time! I feel better, I am stronger, and my performance is going up and I think both diet, cutting out caffeine and also sleeping regular hours now and training regularly are helping me in all areas of my life!

Today, I had a good bout in working out! Got to hit some skill work with Kevin and that was fun.  Worked on Hang Power Cleans, and Hang Squat cleans in the cage.  Really hit some key points and with some amazing Cues from Kev I finally felt a change in my clean and felt what a good solid clean should be! It was a great experience.  Obviously tiring but good as well.  We also did some work on my row form and got a PR on my 500m time trial which meant a lot to me! =) Then did a mini wod of 3 rounds of : 10 calories on the aerdyne and 25 push ups. PHEW! Then I proceeded to work on kipping swings and also work on back extentions and then did my 7 minutes of burpees (volume training) which I must admit was nice to do today because there were others doing 7 minutes of burpees today and I was not the only one like I usually am! =)


Tomorrow I must be up  and out early for work and then an at home wod tomorrow! But I am excited and feel like the progress i am making is something that is truly making me feel that my hard work is paying off! =)

I am off to bed! Will write more tomorrow! Look for me then! =)

january 16 2013

Hi all.

Took today to do an at home wod after a 10 hour workday. I did burpees volume training and worked on some push up variations. 🙂

It was a good day diet wise on point 100% and my body is adjusted to no caffeine and to zoning my food. Had some issues getting in my carb blocks but am doing better with that now.

I’m grateful for our acf family and feeling the support of everyone in this. I feel so many encouraging me and wanting to see me succeed and seeing and feeling support from friends and coaches!

Excited to go train tomorrow! Will let you know how it goes!!!!

I am back!!

So. I am back and hitting a second 90 day challenge! I started the challenge on January 1st 2013. At the weight of 182# and having benchmarks to complete. It is now January 15th and I am down 7# and feeling strong.

I am back training. Tied my pr on my snatch and have set goals with set dates that Kevin and I devised!

This challenge has me going paleo zone and I feel its making a good difference for me already going from paleo to paleo zone!

The 2013 open starts very soon. Now many may be aiming for regionals….I know that will not happen for me this year so am aiming for regionals 2014-2015. I am excited to push my own boundaries and smash how I did last season.

I will be posting nightly to help me with my performance and diet. So please follow my bloc….comment…challenge me….ask questions!! Thanks for joining me!!!


We all have some degree of expectations for ourselves. Whether it be in crossfit or another facet of life or both.

So I’m a perfectionists. Anyone who knows me knows this. To me this is a blessing and a curse. In the world of crossfit it has pieces of both. Its good because it pushes me to get movements right; to push through workouts and to continually work on sucks. But on days like today it can be dubbed a curse. I worked on snatches after airdyne warmup and got frustrated because I knew in my head why things were failing and finally got it fixed but by that point was frustrated and probably some muscle fatigue. I decided to move to 1RM push press. This is a move I have not tackled in a long while. Today my warmups were at 10# less than my previous pr. I was able to workup to a very successful…proper form 25# pr. Now here is where it got interesting. I was happy but wanted more…so I upped it by 5#. And set out to get that 30# pr. I had awesome people in the room….Leb was working out alongside me which was so helpful….dean and rian were both there with positive words my way!

I could not get that extra 5# up. I struggled and pushed. Dean finally came over and much to my initial frustration started stripping my bar. He told me I was being selfish….which pissed me off at first but I am coming to understand what he meant. We talked it out after and that was needed and I am grateful for. Learned a LOT about myself today….about prs….about the mind and body and about my crossfit road.

I will not fizzle out. Ive made good strides and will keep pushing but being smart about it! And everytime a Pr may occur no matter how big or small I will consciously choose to celebrate that and not defeat myself or deflate my accomplishment. (I’m not saying ill become prideful either….other side of the coin.)

Grateful day for me! And hell I got a 25# pr!!!!!

its been awhile

Hi to anyone who reads this.

I am sitting around 185-190# and hoping and working to drop that more. I joined xfit in December 2011 at 255#. One step at a time.

Just started the lurong paleo challenge and after talking with my coach keho. He said he felt I could go rx on the wods. That extra boost of confidence pushed me to hit randy today rx. 55# power snatches. 75 of them for time. I ripped deep through two callouses and started bleeding but couldn’t stop I was about 50 reps in.

I am pushing myself further now than I thought I could. I train multiple times a week with keho and wod. Eating strict and trying to get better sleep.

One of my goals is to start blogging again. So I’m back!!! One benchmark wod down 2 to go. And my first comp of this season on Oct 6th!! Bring it!!

june 26. 2012

New chapters

Hi all,

So it has been some time since I have blogged and I decided to really come back and blog again.

Life has had its ups and downs for me since blogging last but I am feeling good and focusing on what is important and really on a lot of goals I have in life right now.

So Crossfit has really been good lately.  Working hard there and really working toward goals I have there.  I really truly, want to make regionals and maybe games someday.  Some may think this is a pipe dream but for me I am willing to do what it takes to get myself there and I have been following various programming and today took some time to go over what I am following and what I maybe should cut out.  It is hard to think about narrowing down my programming but I know my goals and have to think about what is going to help me achieve those goals and so I have to really see which areas to invest my hours in.

So as of now, I will be following my programming with Kevin, my homework/volume training from him, regular WODs from ACF, and then the competitors programming (scaling as needed).  So this is my new plan of now and have had it approved and going to be working hard and figuring out my scheduling and rest days, and all that next.  That is the next step.  Now onto bigger and better things.

Today was a good workout, worked on movement transfers and then did 30 hang squat snatches for time.  My time was a little slow but I was trying to be sure my form was where I wanted it to be.  So I finished in 4:03.  I will be able to do it again and will do it faster and heavier and with better form.

WEll, today has been a long day and I am going to go ice down and head to sleep! I will begin to start blogging again more.  I miss it as well! =) Hope anyone who is reading this enjoys it.  If no one is, I am still going to do it. Have a good night and keep pushing!

It’s been awhile

May 30th, 2012


Hi all, I know its been awhile since I posted and I am sorry for that.  (for those who read these lol).  So I have been working out and been at Crossfit as much as possible while working 2 jobs and being a mom! It is a lot to take on but I am game.  My goals are growing still and I am doing a lot in life right now.

So I am going to start with Memorial Day For the first time ever (since I am a crossfit newbie still), I got to experience Memorial Day Murph in honor of Michael Murphy.  It was a truly moving experience to hear his story and to honor our current soldiers and vets and those we have lost through the years in the line of service.  I was petrified heading into this WOD.  This was more than a WOD for me, to me this felt like pre competition jitters.  but I came in and felt my ‘family’ and my home at ACF surrounding me.  For those who do not know this WOD is as follows:

1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats, and then a mile run.

I will tell you after doing those middle 600 reps and then hitting another mile run, that second mile run is pretty rough but the thing that kept me going was my Crossfit family around me and also the reason we were all doing this! It is something that looking back I can say thank you for allowing me the chance to do this and thank you to all the men and women who have served and are serving to protect our country.

Took the day after Murph off as well, soreness had set in.  Did a ton of mobility, some light jump roping and just getting the legs and body moving ven though soreness was going on.  The best thing to do is getting up and moving. =) Always remember that.

Today I got to hit a great workout with KeHo and that was great and challenging all in one.  I learned a lot of things and new things to work on and add to my homework list and to work on when in the gym.

As Jay posted today he was asking about our goals now that regionals are over.  I have MANY goals and the list could be long but I will try to not make it too too long for this post:

1) Continue to get leaner and stronger and faster.

2) Diet 100% clean and no cheating (my body doesn’t like it anyway)

3) COMPETE (in both crossfit events, strongman, and oly lifting is something I want to do too)

4) Continue to work on SUCKS as that list is pretty long too

5) continue to be hard on myself, as I know that is the only way to get better. =)

6) MAKE OUR REGIONAL TEAM (BIG goal but I will do what it takes to get there).

7) Many goals I have are skill related ((that could take up a lot of this post but many weight and skill goals in terms of different PRs i am setting for myself)

8) Earn the ability to be able to intern at ACF/CCP

9) Get my level 1 certification

10) be ready for beach season! =)

There are more but I will stop at 10 goals for right now.  Goal setting is big for me and When I set my mind to something I am going to do it! SO WATCH OUT! I am coming! =)

Good day!

So Friday I had a good workout! I was hitting squat snatches with proper form and alignment and really killing it! FELT SO GOOD!

Today’s plan was to hit WOW 12.4 again which in case you forgot (I DID NOT) was Karen (150 wall balls at 14lbs to 9 ft. target – for women) then double unders and muscle ups.  When I did this WOW as part of the Open and part of the team, I only hit 62 wall balls.  I panicked, got frustrated and well, honestly had not worked squats and wall balls a lot before then.  So between then and now I have been doing a LOT of work on squats on any form of them, on volume of them, and even on wall balls as much as I still dont really like them.  So today I went in knowing we were going to hit Karen this week but not knowing which day.  Started with my Oly shoes and go figure did some warm up and next thing I knew found out we were hitting 12.4 or in this case at least Karen.  So my goal was to beat my least score.  There is a time cap of 12 minutes.

So to the wall we went and it was me, the ball, the wall, and that damn target.  Kevin up on the stack of weights with the piece of paper and his cheering to keep you moving.  So 3-2-1…GO! I just kept moving hit my first 10 solid.  Then we started doing 5’s.  Just 5 at a time.  Breathe and go again.  It felt like a lot of time at the beginning and I knew I had to keep moving and keep striving.  It hurt and I was tired and my leg was SHAKING by the end but I kept going and kept moving! I finished at 102.  SO a 40 rep increase.  So that is GOOD! I felt good about it and def. foam rolled out my leg that was twitching. =) I will get Karen (at least) in under 12 minutes and I look forward to hitting this AGAIN.  YES I just said that I want to hit this again.  I WANT to make it to the double unders!! =) But I did pull it together and nailed that today so that was REALLY cool and encouraging for me! 40 rep increase I will take that.

Then we worked (after I breathed and got some water lol) on some ring rows, and some push jerks.  Got up to 75 pounds in push jerk.  and finished strong on that and that was the end of the workload for the workout.  Took a break and then decided to hit volume training of my ring rows, did 20 rounds of 4 reps per minute of 1 plate out from the wall.  I will get a pull up sooner or later! Just watch! When I set my mind to something I will get it!  Then did some ab work and also did some kipping work for my shoulders and T2B work.

It was a good day and I am still keeping my diet clean and I can feel it affecting me in good ways (obviously).  As I said to Dean today when I saw him, ‘who knew working hard would pay off so much’.  =)

Keep pushing guys! I know I am not slowing down in any way shape or form.  I know each of you can achieve all of your individual goals too with hard work and determination! Keep it up!


Today has been a good day.  Not going to lie.  I have been working very hard and putting one foot in front of the other.

My plan was originally to rehit WOW 12.3 today but I came in and have been working hard on T2B and just do not have them back yet.  I am going to keep putting in time of kipping and lat pulls and I am going to get them back if its the last thing I do! =) Just saying.  I am much closer than I was a few weeks ago and I feel stronger at the motion and methods already!

So today we worked on T2B and all the aspects of that.  Then from there took some time to focus on squats, overhead squats (which I NEVER could do).  Today hit them at 35#s successfully so that was an accomplishment.  Light for MANY but for me just getting the bar up and not being fearful of it was a huge accomplishment.  Not to mention hitting OHS for the first time.  Did a lot of warm up work. =) Stretched out the shoulders as well before hitting this.

Then we went and hit snatches.  Did presses and snatches.  Got up to 55# snatches and damn getting those squat snatches with proper form and to hear my coaches yelling with excitement for me for hitting it and hitting it right was just freaking awesome! =) Really made me feel good and smile.  I have been working so hard and so to finally be nailing them and have them feel easier and proper form and just success.  It is amazing when you take the time and energy to practice and practice with PVC or whatever it takes repetition to get it right pays off.  Keep working hard guys I know I am no where near done and will continue my journey and hope that you all keep working on yours.

As I like to say, don’t practice until you get it right practice until you can’t get it wrong.  =)